Riviera ISD will be closed on Monday, September 4th in observance of Labor Day. School will resume on Tuesday, September 5th.

Some of our Little Seahawks showing their SPIRIT on Crazy Sock Day. Go, Seahawks!!

There will only be one tutoring/after school bus today, so it may be running a little behind on its route.

⭐Check your child's STAAR scores!⭐

IMPORTANT! Parents, please see attached flyer.

Riviera ISD is celebrating another win! Please join us.

Last Call
Due Date, August 30th, 2023

Kaufer Early College High School Student Council would like to introduce their 2023-2024 Officers.

Together, with Action for Healthy Kids and USDA Food and Nutrition Service, we are dedicated to making improvements to the nutritional quality of school meals. We are excited to share that we have been awarded a Healthy Meals Incentives grant. Learn more about the Healthy Meals Incentives and grantee projects at: www.healthymealsincentives.org.

Our Nanny Elementary Pre-K through 5th graders attended a bus etiquette session with Mrs. Natalie and Mrs. Rhonda from our transportation department. All students learned about bus expectations and procedures. Thank you to our awesome bus drivers for all that you do!

Congratulations to these Nanny Seahawks for winning a library token for a FREE BOOK in Friday's drawing!
"Reading can take you places you have never been before!" -Dr. Seuss

We didn’t have a scheduled XC meet today so we met at DKP for a Fun Color Run early this morning. Thank you to all the parents for providing breakfast after our run. We truly appreciate your support! Thank you to the kids that were able to make it out today. I hope everyone had as much fun as I did!!! 💚🏃🏻♀️🏃🏻🤍 -Coach Rendon

Attention Riviera FFA members,
Riviera FFA has the honor of hosting this year’s State FFA Officer team to our school for a leadership workshop on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 from 5:30-7:30pm in the Cafeteria. The State FFA officers go through extensive leadership training and conduct extremely high quality leadership workshops that all students can benefit from. All Riviera FFA members are encouraged to come and take advantage of this opportunity.
We hope to see y’all there!

Kaufer Early College High School Student Council is officially underway and ready to work for their students! Be on the lookout for these students; they have BIG plans this year!
“ Together, We Can Make A Difference”

Riviera ISD is proud to announce the following campuses have been awarded Purple Star Designation Status for this school year:
- Nanny Elementary
- De La Paz Middle School
- Kaufer Early College High School

Kaufer ECHS Student Spotlight
Myya is this month's Early College Student Spotlight.
Myya has successfully completed over 23 credit hours of college course work and hopes to graduate with her Associates Degree with the class of 2025. Myya is a varsity member of the Lady Seahawks basketball team and currently serves as an officer of the KECHS Spanish Club. Myya was a 2023 state finalist in her Business Professionals of America chapter and enjoys working on complicated algebraic equations.
Congratulations MYYA DENEWETH!

FCA is off to a great start for the year! Stay tuned for future meeting dates. We are SEAHAWK STRONG!

Riviera ISD's Weekly Pep Rally Themes! High School Pep Rallies will be held every Friday at 2:10pm in the main gym.

Riviera ISD Cheerleaders present Football Program Advertisements due by September 7, 2023!

Good Evening Seahawk students and families. We will resume regularly scheduled school tomorrow Wednesday August 23rd. All bus routes will run at their normal times. We look forward to seeing everyone back.