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Join a Riviera ISD student Club.

Cross Country is not only about running. The team has been working out their core which is just as important.
Way to work hard, Seahawks!

Reminder Registration is being held at the Cafeteria today from 5pm - 7pm. Also today we have a Parent Meeting for Football in the Gym at 6pm.

Don't miss out on THE BIG EVENT! Meet the Teacher followed by Meet the Seahawks on August 4th from 5:30pm - 7:30pm

Reminder Tuesday from 5pm-7pm and Wednesday from 9am-3pm we will be having Registration in the Cafeteria!

Mandatory Bridge for incoming 9th graders. Please make plans for your 9th graders to attend.
Enjoy the rest of your summer.

Matching, music, and band families,
The Mighty Seahawk Band starts their season next week, July 24-28, and lunch will be provided.
Contact Mr. Saenz if you have any questions, and don't forget to bring your water bottle! 🎶

The 'Don't-Let-It-Fall' challenge was a hilarious and fun start to High School Cross Country! This amazing season starts NOW. Join this great group of Seahawks by reaching out to Coach Rendon and Coach Swierc.

Community Service = Community Spirit
The Lady Seahawk Basketball team hosted a successful school supply drive for the students of Nanny Elementary.
Through the support of the community the girls basketball team fulfilled their donation goal.

Riviera College Night
Amanda and Wilmer Bautista commit to attending Coastal Bend College at this evening's college night.
Amanda will pursue an Associates of Arts and Wilmer hopes to garner the necessary licenses to fulfill his ambition of becoming a community Barber.
Pictured with the Bautistas is Daniel Rea of Coastal Bend College.

Get ready for the upcoming football season by attending our High School football parent meeting! We'll be discussing important information and ways to support our athletes. See you there!

Sponsored by Lady Seahawk Basketball and organized by seniors Caitlin Medlock and Madison Arredondo.
Bring your school supply donations to the Riviera ISD School Cafeteria.
Support our SEAHAWKS
All proceeds benefit Nanny Elementary.

Your apply Texas is due. Please visit your class of 2027 google classroom for instructions on how to complete the application.
Any additional questions should be emailed to Mrs Arevalo or Mr. Arredondo.
They can also be reached on the REMIND app.

Attention all Substitutes! Get ready to make a difference in the classroom. Join us for orientation and let's prepare for a successful school year!

Don't let this opportunity pass you by! Registration for all campuses on July 25th and 26th, let's get started on your journey to success

Sharing is caring!
Join us for the first annual Seahawk Closet Sharing on Saturday, July 29th from 9:30 am - 3:00 pm in the gym.
All items will be free. If any monetary donations are collected, the funds will support the Department of Support Services' projects.
Check out the flyer for more details.

**There's still time to Register**
Join us for a Very Pink Circus🎠
July 21st & July 23nd
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Ages 3+

It is just about time to start lacing up your running shoes!
Cross Country will be having a Parent/Athlete meeting on July 18th at 6:30pm at the Gym***, open to all incoming 7th-12th graders.
Please join XC SportsYou (Middle School and High School) using the following code: 9G8N2VQZ if you are not a member yet.
***Original meeting location changed from Field to Gym due to excessive heat warning. See you soon, Seahawks!

Get ready to serve up a great season! Join us for our Volleyball Parent Meeting to learn about the upcoming season and meet the coaching staff!

It is just about time to start lacing up your running shoes! Cross Country will be having a Parent/Athlete meeting on July 18th at 6:30pm at the Coach Artie De La Rosa Football Field, open to all incoming 7th-12th graders.
Please join XC SportsYou (Middle School and High School) using the following code: 9G8N2VQZ if you are not a member yet.