Summer Greetings! I hope everyone has had an AWESOME productive summer! Please join Riviera ISD in the 2nd Annual Seahawk Closet Sharing campaign and help jump start a GREAT school year. This project will not only help our students, parents, Riviera community, and the communities in the area, but it will also help us clean and declutter our homes, etc. The Drop-Off dates are July 17, 18, and 19th from 1:30-3:00 PM at the RISD Cafeteria of all the donations you would like to share with the Seahawk Closet. We are looking for all types of items to share, but we are also needing jeans and spirit shirts for children, teens, and adults to share. We look forward to seeing you on July 20th to find FREE items for you and your family, all is FREE. Please see the attached flyer for all the information on our project. “Life is as good as we make it, so let’s make it a GREAT one at RISD”. 😊