• Accommodations Resources 2021-2022 

    TEA accessibility policies may apply to any student taking STAAR or TELPAS depending on his or her needs and whether or not the student meets the eligibility criteria, if applicable. These policies are divided into 3 main categories. Within each category are links to policy documents that provide more specific information.

  • STAAR English I and II Resources

    This webpage contains STAAR resources for grades 4 and 7 writing, English I, English II, and English III assessments.

  • STAAR Mathematics Resources

    This webpage contains STAAR resources for grades 3–8 mathematics, Algebra I, and Algebra II assessments.

  • STAAR Reading Resources (Grades 3-8)

    This webpage contains STAAR resources for grades 3-8 reading assessments.

  • STAAR-Alternate 2 Resources

    TEA has developed the STAAR Alternate 2 assessment to meet the federal requirements mandated under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), a federal education law previously known as No Child Left Behind. TEA designed the STAAR Alternate 2 to assess students in grades 3–8 and high school who have significant cognitive disabilities and are receiving special education services.

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