Child Find
Children With Disabilities May Qualify For Services
If you suspect an infant, child, or young adult of having a developmental delay or disability, your school district can open a window of hope for a brighter future.
What is Child Find?
Child Find is a process designed to identify, locate, and evaluate individuals (birth through 21 years of age) with disabilities who may need special education and related services.
Are there any costs involved?
No, Riviera ISD provides free evaluations and appropriate educational programs and related services for students with disabilities.
Referral for an Initial Evaluation
A school has a duty to make a referral for an initial evaluation for special education services any time it suspects that a child has a disability and a need for special education services under IDEA. You may also initiate a referral for an initial evaluation of your child at any time.
If you make a written request to a local educational agency’s director of special education services or to a district administrative employee for an initial evaluation for special education services, the school must, not later than the 15th school day after the date the school receives the request, either give you: 1) prior written notice of its proposal to conduct an evaluation, a copy of the Notice of Procedural Safeguards, and the opportunity to give written consent for the evaluation; or 2) prior written notice of its refusal to evaluate your child and a copy of the Notice of Procedural Safeguards.
Who can make a referral?
Anyone can start the process: A parent, doctor, teacher, child care provider, relative, friend, or others who are concerned about a child’s development can call their local school district Child Find contact or their regional Education Service Center.
Who to contact?
For children from birth to 3 years of age who have or might have disabilities or developmental delays, contact ECI – Infant Development Program at (361) 664-0145 for information.
For children, 3 to 5 years of age who have or might have disabilities but are not enrolled in the public school contact Riviera ISD Special Education Department at (361) 242-5600 or the campus the student will attend when school-age for information.
For children that are attending Riviera ISD who have or might have disabilities, contact the child’s principal or counselor and request a meeting.
For children that live in Riviera ISD but attend a private school outside of the Riviera ISD boundaries or for children that attend a private school located within the Riviera ISD boundaries contact Riviera ISD Special Education Department at (361) 242-5600 or the campus that the student would attend if enrolled at CISD for information.
Do You Know the Typical Developmental Stages of a Child?
Things to look for:
At 3 months, a child typically:
Follows objects with eyes
Responds to loud sounds
Makes cooing sounds
At 6 months, a child typically:
Knows familiar faces
Plays with toes
Sits with support
At 12 months, a child typically:
Pulls to a standing position
Crawls on hands and knees
Places toys in a container
Says one or two words
At 18 months, a child typically:
Pulls off shoes and socks
Stacks blocks
Turns the pages of a book
Walks without help
Follow simple directions
At 2 years, a child typically:
Says sentences
Recognizes pictures
Plays alone
Identifies parts of a face
Uses two-word utterances
At 3 years, a child typically:
Rides a tricycle
Opens doors
Is toilet trained
Hops on one foot
Plays with other children
Uses three-word utterances